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Nov 10, 2022 / Product Team What to consider when creating apps for special educationRecently, we worked on a learning app that helps children with special needs explore the world through sounds. During our research and prototyping, we’ve marked many valuable and crucial insights that are helpful while creating apps for special education.
Apr 25, 2022 / UI/UX Design Mobile UX Design: The Complete Expert GuideMobile user experience is a process of user interaction with your website on a smartphone or app. This is a complete guide into mobile UX design and its best practices.
Apr 24, 2022 / Discovery Using In-depth Interviews to Build a Customer Journey Map for Your Product: the Complete GuideIn order to find ideas, you need to find problems. To find problems, talk to people. This golden rule applies to the initial stages of your startup development, namely the creation of a customer journey map. You surely know what it means for the success of your product. In this guide you’ll find the useful hints on building your CJM with the help of in-depth interviews.