Chatbots can often be more frustrating than helpful

Aritficial Inteligence is on everyone’s lips. The most widespread use? Integrate ChatGpt inside your app, creating a chatbot. But, let’s be honest, chatbots can often be more frustrating than helpful. They require users to think of prompts and figure out what questions to ask, which can be time-consuming and confusing. Especially in healthcare, where clear and quick information is crucial, chatbots can fall short.



Chatbots can be an extra step in a user journey

It all comes down to this truth: you should simplify the user journey, not make it more complicated.

Adding a chatbot can often be an extra step for the user, while we need to simplify user journeys instead of complicating them. It’s a bad idea to try to educate your user to do something they have never done before.

For instance, if a person calls a bank to find out why their card was blocked, they don’t want to talk to AI. They need a quick fix.


Solution: Integrate AI into user experience instead

At Fulcrum, we believe there’s a better way. Instead of relying solely on chatbots, we integrate AI smoothly into the user experience. This makes the technology smarter and more intuitive.


Start with Mapping Key Touchpoints where AI can add value

To effectively integrate AI into your user journey, start by identifying key touchpoints where AI can add most value.

The goal is to make AI an invisible helper that works in the background, subtly improving the user experience without requiring extra effort from the user.


For instance, at Fulcrum, we start projects by having our Business Analysts map out your user flow and identify where AI can add the most value. Learn about our Discovery process here.

Vie: AI Integration Done Right

Take our project Vie, for example. Vie is a fertility platform for couples who wish to conceive. It gives you personalized recommendations based on the scientific research done by a founder of the company, Carmen Messerlian, who happens to be a PHD of Medicine.


Our goal was to create an AI-based app that provides personalized recommendations based on the data patients fill in. Once a patient inputs their information, they see tailored recommendations right on the homepage. These suggestions are seamlessly built into the app, enhancing the user experience without the need for a separate chatbot.


Interestingly, Vie does have a chatbot feature, but it hasn’t been used much. This highlights our point: while chatbots can be part of the solution, they shouldn’t be the main focus.

Step 1. Collect relevant information about the user

First off, we collect all the needed data for our algorithm to give personalized and detailed fertility insights.

Step 2. Give personalized recommendations

Our integrated LLM, trained on Vie’s scientific research, will provide personalized recommendations tailored specifically to your needs.

AI is the part of experience.

Vie Results

The Vie project was completed in about a month. By using React Native and integrating a large language model (LLM), we saved significant development time and costs. This project proves AI integration can be done quickly and efficiently. Currently, Vie is in the process of raising investments, further proving its success and potential in the market.



At Fulcrum, we’re not against using AI; we just think it should be integrated smarter and more subtly. AI should enhance the user experience naturally, not make it more complicated. By embedding AI into the core of your app, you create a more intuitive and effective solution for your users.


If you’re looking to integrate AI into your healthcare app seamlessly and effectively, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Fulcrum. Our expertise in AI integration can help you enhance user experience and achieve your project goals. Let’s explore how we can make your app smarter and more intuitive together.

Are you curious to learn more about our healthcare expertise and projects? Look no further! Read about Fulcrum Healthcare expertise.